Memorial Day Weekend is here! Covid19 is still here! We can deal with it following these guidelines to keep us all healthy!
Open bathrooms in Fawn Creek and Primitive area are for people without their own bathrooms, Please use your own facilities where possible. These are disinfected by us, but please use your own disinfectant wipes etc. in between. Do Not flush down any toilets.
6 Persons to a site unless there are more than that in your family.
No more than 10 in a group at any time. Please social distance 6 foot or wear a mask.
Beaches are open, but please social distance and remember no groups over 10.
Our showerhouse remains closed until we figure out a reservation schedule for it. Thanks for understanding.
Pavilion use at your own risk, with distancing.
Office will be open , clubhouse will remain closed. Ice, firewood, icecream, candy, bug spray, etc. are available. Order your firewood before 4 pm on Saturdays Sundays please.
Of course if you are sick, been around anyone thats sick. Please do not come in. If you get sick while you’re here, please let us know and then go home and get better! Report to your healthcare provider.
Every week will get better as we figure things out, thanks for your patience!