JONES COUNTY FAIR WEEK! In case you're wondering about our shuttle times to and from the fair on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, 3 shuttles each night, right now the times are 4:45, 5:30 and 6:15 p.m. each night. You return in the same order you reserved...i.e. first shuttle out is first shuttle back.  If we fill them and need another shuttle, we will move times back by 15 minutes.  Cost is 15.00 roundtrip per card to hold,  cash payment required.

Sign up before you fill up...don't drink and drive! Returns are after concert approx. 11 p.m. 11:45 and 12:30.  Email or call to reserve your spots and upon arrival if still available.

Looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces! Don't forget to set up your tube times!

Road Construction

A tad bit of road construction as you enter Cascade from North on 136

  I would get on 151 heading west towards Monticello and get off at the next left onto Bus. 151 which leads you to the stoplight intersection of Hwy 136, take the right and head 3 blocks south on 136 and turn left at our sign and follow camping signs to us.  Follow rocks with arrows thru the farm around into the campgrounds.  Don't worry if you take the marked detour you're just coming in from the east end of town, take bus. 151 to the stoplight and turn left....


IT'S FAIR WEEK! In case you're wondering about our shuttle times to and from the fair on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, 3 shuttles each night, right now the times are 4:45, 5:30 and 6:15 p.m. each night. If we fill them and need another shuttle, we will move times back by 15 minutes. 

Sign up before you fill up...don't drink and drive! Returns are after concert approx. 11 p.m. 11:45 and 12:30.  Email or call to reserve your spots and upon arrival if still available.

Great weekend ahead, looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces! Don't forget to set up your tube times! 



John and Annettes' Most Excellent Annual Sleigh Ride

Seasonals, family and friends, please join us for our annual Sleigh Ride Party set for January 21st,  starting at noon.  Hope you and  your children and grandchildren can make it.  Bring your sleds, drinks and a dish to pass.  I'll serve up soup and chili and all the fixings.  We'll also have hot chocolate and hot apple cider.  Bon fires and Trophy for longest run.  Weather must be at least 25 degrees out and we of course must have enough snow,  if not we'll try the next weekend...

Please let me know if you can make it or not.  We'll meet out ontop the hill going to the beach.

See you then!

John and Annette

Last days of summer!

Still plan on tubing today,  although we did get a bunch of rain last night.  Must not have gotten much up North of us though. 

Just planned out the rest of the year calendar.  Suggestions are always welcome though...please!

We sure have had some great people camp this year.  I can't say enough how most people take care of our place.  It sure goes a long way in keeping up with everything.  Our favorite part of this whole thing is meeting new people and their families. 

Seasonal sites that do not have their first half down to hold onto them next year, will go up for grabs next weekend.  I will post them on the board outside the office and the next week on this site.  Already have gained a few new people for next year. 

Also,  storage indoors and outside for your camper or RV is getting reserved fast,  so get in touch with me soon.

It's not too early to reserve your lobster if you want one for the fishfry in a couple weeks.  Nummy!